Monday 8 August 2011

Prices Of Gold

Prices Of Gold:The New York Daily News, Lucas and Alpert wrote: JoniTx – Mon, 08 August 2011 16: 33: 15 GMT soared to a record high  Prices Of Gold$ 1700 per ounce Monday as jittery investors seek refuge before United States markets opened for the first time after the reduction commitments fell countryDow than 200 points in the first minutes of trading amid international route stocks after Standard & amp; amp; Poor downgraded the credit rating of the United States AmerikiEvropa, German DAX index on Friday. 2 per cent after the Nikkei of Japan-2.2% P & amp; amp; s decision to reduce the debt of the United States for a long time period is as the AA + ratings from AAA Fu.

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