Thursday 8 September 2011

A Conversation on 9/11

A Conversation on 9/1: the tenth anniversary of the 11 September Attacks is in only three days. Many things in this country since Tuesday morning in 2001. Tonight, 9/11 Public Forum program, New York Public Theater will be a discussion about the political and cultural ramifications of reasonable. Evening reading author Richard Nelson's new game, sweet and Sad, as well as trends radio host and Author Kurt Andersen, journalist and author Carl Bernstein and playwright.

2001 attacks continue to maintain an unwavering fidelity frustrating for me. U.S. Government's response to these events seemed grossly inadequate and careless in terms of the long-term interests of this country. I'm still wondering why the group responsible for 9/11 committed these acts. What does the United States and its policies are these people? Beyond some vague concept of jihad and other Muslim fundamentalist madness that was introduced to the Americans-and that has remained fresh in our minds for a decade-I often think, "what are the changes that we need to do here at home as well as changes that seek to effect elsewhere in the world?"

I wish to refer to actual changes; we Americans, energy, infrastructure, natural resources and environment, and health status of Americans expect increased birth and requires changes: go anywhere and buy something from nothing, as much as they want, when they want.

Birthright, which is now slipping this-and quickly.
This is the current rapid erosion of our life in the framework of the outcome of the leaders of our reaction to 9/11? The trillion dollar war of non tax hikes, as well as the real estate market of corrupt usurious loan, financial collapse, the hegemony of China and their invulnerability to other imperatives share market (for example, with little or no environmental regulation) and a number of natural disasters, collectively bring us this rim?

Was the response to the 9/11 need to lean so strongly attacked by the other attacks? ten years ago, only a small percentage of the country, spoke to the Federal Intelligence Community, one of the languages of the Islamic world. Our ability to understand the region, not only in the linguistic, cultural and political, but better? These factors and other than their importance, in particular, Arab spring and in the light of the recent widespread civil unrest in the region.

But perhaps even more important is the question: did the United States changed the narcissism? What I mean, how are we so much post-Word world war period, we are always ready to assume a dominant role on the world stage and that the other should always be so, we need them.

Tonight, I would like to moderate program that affects the General horror and sadness of 11 September, in honour of the victims and to celebrate the heroism and the integrity of so many Americans, in response to this tragedy. But I would also like to talk about what we learned: 9/11 is a reminder of how after that day, America is not the same thing and never will be. I want to talk about how we should recognise this hard fact before it is really possible to move forward.

Unimaginable and cowardly, as 9/11 attacks must ask ourselves what we should learn from them. Not just about terrorism, as well as about our country and us.

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