Tuesday 6 September 2011

Hitchens on 9/11 world trade center

 Hitchens on 9/11  world trade center:
I've been out for almost 10 days in the charming Aeolian Islands North of Sicily, therefore my silence. It is a leap in mental health to be away from email, internet, TV and other messages. Nothing more than good conversation and the company much pasta thrillers, Italian waiters, chatty and friendly locals. But I'm home with a blow job. And of course, we are close to the tenth anniversary of that day of terror in lower Manhattan and Washington:
world trade center
Proper job ", The" public intellectual "could be conceived as a responsibility to introduce complexity into the argument: a reminder that things are rarely as simple as can be made. But what I've learned a highly visible way from events and arguments of September 2001, was this: never, never should we ignore the obvious or. The Government and the majority of people in the United States, it seemed that the countries of the 9/11, they were attacked by a particularly nasty way (air piracy used to maximize the civilians) a particularly nasty Group (secretive and murderous gang: the part of the transnational corporation, part of the crime family), who was sworn to the medieval cult of death, racist hatred against the Jews, religious madness against Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Shia and "unbelievers," and the restoration of long disappeared and the despotic Empire.  "

Christopher Hitchens.

For what it is worth, I'm not really keen on the whole idea of the existence of a  "public intellectual ". Who decides that a person who holds this kind of role? Anyway, quibbles, is a good piece of legislation.

Here are a couple of other paragraphs that stand out:

Fight against kasuistik and bad faith have also been worth fighting. So have many other matches to claim the obvious. Unlike the peddlers of shallow anti-Western self-hatred, the Muslim world does not adopt the Bin Ladenism as its shield against reality. Much to the contrary, there appeared to be tens of millions of Arabs who have heretically and robustly preferred life over death. In many societies, al-Qaida defeated even as well as underwent defeat.

In these cases, then, the problems are more complex than any "simple" solution can offer theocratic fanatics. But against trends euphemism and evasion, some brave only deserved. Among them: Holocaust denial is actually secretly form of confirmation of the Holocaust. The fatwa against Salman Rushdie is a direct and deadly challenge for freedom of expression, not a clash between the traditional faith and "free speech of fundamentalism.  "massacres in Bosnia and Herzegovina was not an accidental product of" ancient hatreds "but a deliberate plan to wipe out the Muslim population. Regimes of Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fully deserve to be called "evil.", and 10 years ago in Manhattan and Washington and Shanksville, PA, there is a direct confrontation with the totalitarian idea expressed in its most brutal and sober form. Let this and other fighting temperament and strengthen us for future battles, where you will abandon the big lie.

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