Friday 12 August 2011

Something wrong about the Rachelle Ann Beguia saga

Something wrong about the Rachelle Ann Beguia saga: But here's the strange thing about the whole entire saga. Why defend Rachelle Ann Beguia, a non-Singapore, low on Facebook for Penny? I looked at things that said, it feels like people said things when they are bootlicking. Why should non-Singapore to defend Singapore MEP on Facebook? Which advantage get?

Maybe our policy-foreigner to gain support from foreigners and encourage our Member and more than Singapore. If it is the case, it would be terrible? Our Member of the Parliament, and Ministers should be services Singapore, not foreigners.

All this event is another wake-up call to all Singaporeans. I really need to relook the pro-foreigner principle. A few weeks ago I made some racist comments against China's disciple of Singaporeans. And this is happening now. As far as Wang Peng Fei more in Singapore, and Rachelle Ann Beguia? You can now click panic?Let's look at the saga of Rachelle Ann Beguia, I can't shake the feeling that something is not right.

Rachelle Ann Beguia is intended for beginners, Filipinos in Singapore. She recently after he insulted the Singaporeans for Penny Lowe, using his mobile phone during the national anthem of the post was removed, and she also apologized. But it would take an angry Netizen Singapore. It was so bad that even the employers, the national heart Centre Singapore, apologized on her behalf and promise that an official investigation.


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