Wednesday 7 September 2011

Kristin Chenoweth: Being Gay is Not A Sin. Period.

Kristin Chenoweth: Being Gay is Not A Sin. Period:   Kristin Chenoweth, actress, singer, and performed on the self-identifying, told Christian that gay is not a sin, and he believes that he is gay is the same as it is short — this is the only way to emerge.

The comment was created as part of an interview with the advocate gay glossy where Chenoweth, best known for his role as Glindy in the musical Wicked-winning Tony talks about the upcoming drama ABC good Belles Christian and the fourth album release some of the lesson.

In the interview Chenoweth says that just because He Is a Christian does not mean that they blindly follow what other people say that the religion they asked for it and that, instead, it relies on the old adage "what would Jesus do?", saying that he did not believe that Jesus will walk around saying, "you are going to hell" and "you're wrong, wrong, you're wrong," but rather will be able to accept and love people.

Chenoweth, itself a straight woman, elaborates on his belief on people being born gay, saying: "that could do if it was damage to be short?" This is the way God made me, that pourrais I do? We see, could wear heels, could I tease my hair and perhaps on a good day might be 5 ' 1 "." But is, I'm 4 ' 11 "and is the way in which they were put together." And this is what I think as gay "."

When asked how he felt about being criticized for this by other Christian beliefs Chenoweth says she has issues of its own, but asked to respect the right of him, too.

When asked if he thought that Christians get "bad," Chenoweth says, Yes, but it shows that some group who call themselves Christians may even bring on themselves. He added:

“… But I also believe that there are many Christians who think like me. My family is very like me. But they grow in the Bible belt, and you know what comes with my grandmother Chenoweth told me something, when I was growing. My best friend [homosexual]: I have spoken about it many times named Denny. I asked my grandmother Chenoweth, "how it may that he is going to hell be?" I simply don't think [] correctly. 'And she said,' well, Kris, I read the Bible as eating fish: I take the meat and serves me well, but I do not drown the region. ' "

And I think he is on something. "I took the meat serving me well, but I am choking on a bone." I read the Bible, and I would ask and everything-I really do. But at the same time, I don't think being Gay is a sin. period.

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