Wednesday 7 September 2011

GOP Debate Wednesday Night Open Thread

GOP Debate Wednesday Night Open Thread: Republican presidential debates 2011 served as a high-stakes introductions to many hopes, the Republican party as an oval field gradually expanded this summer.Debate ..........?

Now is the time of Governor Rick Perry.

Wednesday evening, Mr Perry, Governor of Texas, seven other candidates for the most part — Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Gingrich, Jon m. Huntsman, Jr., Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum — a discussion of the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, during the Texas.However, none of his rivals will be under the microscope-or wear also a great objective-as Mr Perry. In the three weeks since becoming eligible for consideration, Mr. Perry has become a favorite of the new and the media focus on his background and his comments have been stolen by other political candidates with oxygen.

As a result, Mr. Perry enters the debate, which starts at 20 Wednesday, with much to gain from a solid performance, but also a lot to lose-between donors, activists, Republican establishment — if he stumbles or works out of the mainstream.The Governor has been to reduce the expectations of several assistants, claiming that Mr. Perry was trying to stage a big debate, despite his ten years as Chief Executive Officer of a lot of experience.Ray, Director of communications, the Governor said Sullivan on MSNBC from "the daily rundown" on Wednesday morning that Mr Perry only four big time debates participated. Mr. Sullivan said the Governor of the improved performance and a small group of retail politics.Mr. Perry himself — and the need for attention and Elbow competitors suspend its momentum — more spirited debate Wednesday, the spelling could be. Here are five things to watch out for two hours on the show

1. H.ow does Perry? The veteran politician Mr. stump speech is a town in Perry and polished his style is relaxed after a week in the countryside. If the Control Panel, and then the discussion Perry. He could be the night.However, beyond style, Mr. Perry likely will face a number of substantive issues that may affect the public perception of his candidacy. His writings on social security, gays, guns, religion and abortion, will probably be the first goal for NBC journalists and politician, who host the Forum.And its rivals may decide that the best way to get the room swinging towards them is to attack Mr. Perry. That could come from Ms. Bachmann, whose campaign battle lost momentum, and a Director of campaign-as Mr. Perry entered the race. Or it may come from Mr. Huntsman, which surveys are in the basement.Part of the challenge, Mr Perry, during the debate. Send a message to the Chief founder of the party Republican says we are all party standard-bearer for maintaining wings not only interest in the deep South.If wealthy donors and Republican insiders concluded that Mr Perry policy are too narrow to win elections against President Obama, this might be a problem, as the Governor is competing against Mr. Romney.However, the early polls suggest that Mr Perry has already begin to cater to a wider Constituency. Investigation on ABC and the Washington Post this week Mr. Perry defeating Mr. Romney what is perceived as Mr. Romney may be the greatest strength: the idea that it is the most electable Republican candidates seeking to replace Mr. Obama. Mr. Perry is currently Mr. Romney issues, with a margin of 30 percent to 20 percent.This result comes as Mr. Perry is still not very well known, however, that its appearance on the night of the much more important Wednesday. The volatile pattern can quickly become those numbers electability. 

2. Romney phoe Smackdown cache lotsut look at night is to materialize between Mr. Perry and Mr. Romney with Mrs. Bachmann fading. In the survey (and Sarah Palin remains aloof) attention increasingly focused on two competition between two men.After weeks of ignoring all his rivals Mr. Romney has changed his scoring questions speak tocón Perry's new line of early attacks, Mr Mr Perry as Governor of Texas say "career politicians of making us into this" professional politicians will not leave us. "This line is almost certainly lips Mr. Romney. While the open perhaps escaped but he has been a difficult and Mr. Perry directly attacks that might rely on how Mr. cash Phoeri Texas politicians exposed less defensiveness of his comments directly to Mr. Romney said, "while Governor of Massachusetts, he was great."

3. jobs, jobs, jobs. The President's impending tasks of all speech provides, however, that the tasks of the topic will play a key role in the debate Wednesday, although it was moved to Thursday evening.Are you sure the discussion moderators to ask all candidates to plan the creation of jobs and the economy around. This gives everyone the opportunity to meet with them and another opportunity to bash Obama's economic policy.Mr. Romney 59-point plan to save the economy announced on Tuesday said, and will help create jobs. Almost sure what he is trying to at least some Wednesday 20. (Mr. Romney is a fan of PowerPoint presentations, but does not allow any discussion of the rules is likely to be the multimedia scene.)All the candidates recognize that confrontation jobs crisis is an opportunity for the Republicans that anger and frustration in question has helped bring down the steep, Mr. Obama in recent months.But the problem is not many differences between the candidate Ron Paul the most economical way to libertarian views, often in period exception is outlier.

4. the Reagan legacy. One of the leading politicians of the Republic almost a cliché to claim Reagan mantle. However, this is especially true in States that took place in place dedicated to President Reagan Library. And Nancy Reagan, his widow, is expected to be a discussion, probably the first series.But while Reagan is not an issue free of Division, which on Tuesday by a spat between two Texans, Mr. Paul and Mr. Perry has been proven.Mr. Paul ran a television ad in Iowa and New Hampshire that against Reagan, say two men have been regarded as unelectable. He noted his support for the Reagan campaign and accuses Mr Perry in support of the early campaigns of Al Gore."Al Gore be a cheerleader in Texas named Rick Perry found." Announcement of Mr Paul Rick Perry helped undo the campaign for Al Gore the Reagan Revolution, "he says."Mr Perry's campaign shot back quickly, unearthing a letter that Mr Paul wrote in 1987, in which he resigned from the Republican party. "Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party gave us a doubled national debt, deficits, and amazing" wrote Mr. Paul in 1987. A spokesman for Mr Perry said that "Rep. Paul's letter a broadside attack on each element of President Reagan record and philosophy is".Expect talk about Reagan in debate with the background a little.

5. the tea party. If the Labor day weekend, there is nothing of the presidential candidates of the Republican Guard still ready to Woo the strength of the tea party movement of their policies have proved to be the 2010 midterm elections.Mr. Romney, who has embraced the movement or as openly as many of its rivals, spent the weekend on a New Hampshire rally for a group of tea and attended the Forum in South Carolina, assumed by the State leadership of the tea party. Ms. Palin also spoke at the Tea Party rallies in Iowa and New Hampshire over the weekend.The question is how candidates enter expects Wednesday in front of the public who may not have seemed MSNBC tea party some lawyers (one day later. In Florida is co-hosting another debate with the national tea party group)

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