Wednesday 7 September 2011

Retelling 9/11: Movies about the attack still too much for audiences

Retelling 9/11: Movies about the attack still too much for audiences: sacramento, California-IT too early for 10 years.

Big screen drama, 11. in September 2001, and socio-political implications, has not been able to attract significant audience despite the Oscar, big stars and criticism.

Ten years, America has not experienced September 11 related critical and box-office hit in "The Best years of Our Lives" or "The Deer Hunter," the classic film, bound for the US conflict.

The public is not completely Director 11 September rejected. But Rajkowska favored "Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore documentary film" and the 11 September is full of fantasy "War of Worlds" Steven Spielberg "above Hollywood dramatization of actual events in" United 93 "and" World Trade Center "and a fictional series of 11 September.

The worst terrorist attack on American soil also brought an unprecedented level of news coverage and disturbing video movies. The idea of re-experiencing of such images on the big screen seemed to keep the crowd away from the first narrative film to deal with the matter.

In 2002, the "children" in which Anthony LaPaglia Sergeant firehouse to write eulogies for firefighters killed in Tel Aviv plan September, never saw wide release.  «25 hour "," Spike Lee elegiac film 2002 year in which the drug dealer (Edward Norton) mourns the town destroyed and Eve go to jail, just posted at the box office.

"As filmmakers, we are driven to tell stories about cursors in the life-death, birth, love," said John Mounier, a documentary filmmaker, long New Yorker and now the academic Director of Digital Art Institute Sacramento 's.

"I think (September 11) was a marker for all. I think that sometimes things are so intense, you only need more time to Sort according to the settlement. … Movies that came out already probably suffered from persons who are not able to watch them.  "

Film viewers more readily accepted documentaries made just after 9/11, Mounier said, since 11 September is "something we have a personal relationship with each type of dramatization is a type of insult."

Five years after the World Trade Center attack Americans still does not appear to be ready for the treatment of Hollywood.

"United 93," real time view of the flight, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers the hijackers of the plane resisted and / World Trade Center, "Oliver Stone film the towers in 2006 were based on the true story of two police officers, collapse, survived only modest business in the year." This is despite both films, praised for their respectful and "United 93″, for its total size.

"It does not appear to be the nature of your work I want to do more Studios," they said on the website, such as Gitesh Pandya.

If the target of the groups carefully September 11 have been films, in the Iraq and the Afghanistan showed a real dislike of Hollywood cinema, wars and other aspects of the aftermath of September 11.

High-profile Iraq-themed film of 2009 's best film Oscar-winning "the Hurt Locker," took them only about 16 million dollars. But compared with the low-budget film a hit home on Iraq-outdoor dramas "In Valley, God (2007)" and "Stop-Loss" (2008).

A trio of Middle East in the 2007 movie flopped rather spectacular: Robert Redford, Tom Cruise Meryl Streep Afghanistan war themes-"Lions for Lambs," Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal movie "rendition" questioning respondents U.S. practice and "The Kingdom," think like a terrorist attack on a US housing market complex in Saudi Arabia. "

Latest Middle East-a set of Hollywood films were "box office poison", said Stephen Prince, Virginia Tech Professor of film and 2009 book "Firestorm author: American film of the era of terrorism."

Failure of the Middle East 2007 films "is interesting, because at that time, the public opinion against the war (Iraq turns), and most of these films was very critical of the war," Prince said.  "So, on the one hand, the film had a kind of synchronized with someone is thinking and feeling. But people still didn't you want to see.  "

The reluctance of the public may be obtained, the Prince said, "with" a sense that the events were not controlled. That, regardless of what we think or feel, or what movies you can see, it is still a lack of controls for gain by this event. … (Iraq) war, seemed only to grind forever and, of course, we are still in the army.  "

TV content deal with what was most prone to eight "the era of terrorism Prince.  "It shows take on such matters are" 24 "and the city of New York-guest star" set fire to rescue me ".

"Seems to be much more comfortable contemplating these issues inside their homes, the people," said the Prince.

Also dramatically changed the film industry, the Prince said, starting from the 1970 's cinematic peak when the Studio lost money and energy, complex material, as a "Hunter of deer as" and "Apocalypse Now" and the audience responded in the form.

Today's consumers, hit by the double whammy of long wars and iffy economy, find relief and escapism, after going to the movies.

"People don't want to pay to be depressed again," said analyst Pandya film. "

Hollywood, next to the first weekend Großes and the bottom line, which is designed to have a big budget movies "more alternative worlds and worlds of fantasy, please", "said the Prince.

Photos of 11 September are usually provoke arrived on-screen indirectly through "Cloverfield," the popular 2008 monster movie, which laid waste in Manhattan or 2007 "The Dark Knight" as tagged layout Heath Ledger Joker terrorist Gotham City.

"The industry proved much more comfortable dealing with terrorism in worldwide box office of metaphor," said the King's son.  "So you need to a film as ' the Dark Knight", which is very influenced by 9 / 11, but all of this is the undertone in the history of action-adventure. "

Subtext also said, "good night and good luck," a movie in 2005 through which film director George Clooney chronicled TV reporter Edward r. Murrow public opposition to Mccarthyism. The period of the film in black and white style, smoothing the path to the movie "the message that the repressive Government should always be contested, regardless of age. Picture earned four times the budget of $ 7.5 million.

A film with "An element of public discourse are easier to with expulsion," said Professor Leo Braudy, University of Southern California and author of books on topics such as the phenomenon of Fame and the Hollywood sign in business.

Socio-political commentary in the text is Couching back to Braudy Errol flynn. Talk

Before World War II the United States, the studios were mostly considered to have war, filmmakers because they feared that alienating an important market for German film, "said Braudy.

With the exception of Warner Bros., who kicked out of Germany. Studio, made the anti-Nazi film confessions 1939 Nazi spy ", as well as movies, snuck in anti-Nazi interventionist messages.

' Robin Hood ' was a film interference, "said with a laugh at Braudy favorite Flynn". In 1940, the Sea Hawk "," pirate Flynn invades the Spanish courts and clearly negotiate on the Spanish Empire and tyranny "as code for the Nazi regime.

Films of the second world war, in the text or the subtext could be more expositional uncomplicated – and perhaps more satisfying viewers – war of films today because the enemy was clearly defined.

"The idea … the problem of global terrorism is a narrative film," said Braudy.  "Out there on the front line is not." United 93 "" and "" World Trade Center "is the less, it is done and what we have as our indomitability.  "Yes, we have injuries, Yes, people have died, but we are still the American spirit.  » missing but known. «

The fear that pervaded American consciousness is because it can reduce the unknown Prince of Sept. 11, said.

"We are the kind of curious period where people fear a new attack, but there are also such complacency, that is," he said.  "Over time, if the second attack ', I think it's more likely to see the Hollywood doesn't touch (September 11)."

"The Hurt Locker" Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal for the assassination of Osama bin Laden in operation in 2012 is already scheduled for working on the film.

In the future, the films of post-conflict on 11 September, and maybe even new movies success Pandya said.

"We saw a stranger if things", he said, noting that "Black Swan", a psychological thriller, the Unhinged ballerina, seem destined to top 100 million dollars in Großes.

"Just because you have a film about the war in Iraq or September 11 average per tonne meets (the failure)." Depends on time, as a good movie, and how well is positioned.  "

At the same time, former New Yorker, Mounier, he takes comfort in old movies.

This is not as important as the views of the story.

World Trade Center towers as points "recommended this procedure, you can put yourself in the city," Mounier said, there is little secret thrill after seeing the movie Shoot Horses in New York and watch towers, "Now it makes me really excited and happy"

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