Friday 16 September 2011

Air Show Turns Deadly in Reno

Air Show Turns Deadly in Reno: Vintage World War II era fighter plunged Friday in the stands during a popular annual flypast, killing at least three people, injuring more than 50 spectators and a terrible scene strewn with body parts and smoking debris. watch live clik here
The cause of the accident was not immediately known, but an official event said there were indications that mechanical problems had to play.

The plane, piloted by a rider from the air 74 years old and famous movie stunt pilot, suddenly out of control and seemed to be divided on impact. Baker’s body had been circulated in the region, people are usually the victims and ambulances rushed to the scene.

Maureen Higgins in Alabama, which is coming to the show for 16 years, said the pilot was in the third round when he lost control.

She was sitting about 30 meters from the accident and watched in horror as a man before it started to bleed after the fragment was hit on the head.

“I saw body parts and blood, as you would not believe. I’m talking about hand, foot,” said Higgins, “The people living there were no body parts. I’m not joking. It was the gore. Incredible blood.”

Among those killed was the pilot Jimmy Leeward, 74, of Ocala, Florida, an experienced aviator and stunt pilot, who named his P-51 Mustang fighter of «Ghost Galloping,” said Mike Houghton, president and CEO of Renault Race Air. Officials Leeward said earlier it was 80.

Slava’s regional medical center Katie Carter confirmed that the other two were killed, but does not provide their identity.

Stephanie Kruse, a representative body for regional emergency medical services, told the Associated Press, that emergency crews took a total of 56 victims of trauma three hospitals. She said that she observed and the number of people transported by private car, they are not included in the bill.

Cruz said a total of 56 during transport, 15 were considered in critical condition, 13 were serious condition with life-threatening injuries, and 28 were not serious or life-threatening.

“This is a very important incident, probably one of the most important in this community over the past decade,” said Cruz Associated Press. “Community together to try to cope with its scope. Hospitals are some

environment and directed staff to deal with them. ”

P-51 Mustang crashed into a field box seat in front of the platform around 4:30 pm, a race said Mike Draper. Houghton said the Leeward seemed to “lose control of the plane,” although details on how, why, what happened is not immediately known.

Houghton said at a news conference hours after the accident was a “problem with an airplane that was supposed to go out of control.” He did not elaborate.

He said that the remaining races were canceled investigation NTSB.

KRNV-TV meteorologist Jeff Martinez, who just outside the field of air transport at the time, said the plane turned right, and then “he just screwed directly into the ground.”

“You have seen parts and pieces everywhere,” he said. “Everyone is in disbelief.”

Tanya Breining outside Hayward, California, told KTVU-TV in San Francisco: “It was absolute carnage … It was more like a bomb went off ..”

Another witness, Ronald Sargis said he was sitting in the seat field near the finish. Area of ??the seat box contains 300 to 400 people, while the main area contains thousands of forums.

“We saw the plane coming to the turn – he was in trouble,” said Sarkis KCRA-TV in Sacramento, “About six or seven boxes below us, it’s influence in the first row..”

According to him, the pilot appeared to do everything he could to avoid crashing into the crowd. Response team immediately went to work, Sarkis said. After the accident, Sarkis received a few lines in the stands to see the plane shot down.

“It just seemed that the dust,” he said.

Leeward, Leeward rancher Team Racing Air, was a famous racer. His website says he stole more than 120 races and served as a stunt pilot for many films, including “Amelie” and “Cloud Dancer”.

In an interview with the Ocala (Fla.) Star-Banner last year, he described how he flew 250 types of aircraft and has a special love for the P-51, which came relatively late in the war and was used as a long-range bomber escort for the whole of Europe. Among the famous fighter pilots of World War II the hot new dual ACE Chuck Yeager.

“They’re more fun. More speed, more challenge. Speed, speed and more speed,” said Leeward.

Leeward Houghton calls “a good friend. Everybody knows it. This is a friendly family. It’s been there a long, long time,” said Houghton.

National Championship Air races draws thousands of people each year in Reno in September to look at the various military and civilian aircraft races. They are also asked to review in the past for reasons of security, including four pilots killed in 2007 and 2008. It was this fear that the local government school when it was considered that they should not allow the student to travel to the event.

Competition as a race car in the sky, with planes flying wing to wing, as low as 50 feet at a speed of Artemisia sometimes exceeding 500 miles / h. Pilots follow an oval path around pylons, with distances and speeds depending on the class of aircraft.

FAA and air race organizers spend months preparing to race the air as they develop a plan with a pilot license, training and testing with the layout for the course. FAA inspects work practice pilots and drivers on short notice and emergency maneuvers.

Sen. Harry Reid, D-New. Issued a statement saying he was “deeply saddened” about the crash.

“My thoughts are with the families of those who gave their lives and those who suffered in this terrible tragedy,” he said. “I am very grateful to our rapid response for fast action and will continue to monitor this situation as it develops.

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