Wednesday 7 September 2011

Osama bin Laden dead picture

Osama bin Laden dead  picture: "Although I thought it was only 50-50 that bin Laden was there, I thought that it was useful we take a snapshot," Obama said bin Laden: shoot to kill

If the mission failed, the President admitted that he faced "huge geopolitical consequences."

In the one-hour documentary, aired on Channel 4 in the UK on Wednesday NIGHT (Thursday morning AU), the United States ' top security adviser and the President spoke for the first time about his plans to kill bin Laden.

Using documentary credit in favour of a kinematic re-enactments also offers a look at the White House situation room in the domestic market, in which Mr. Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and other officials watched the live video link to the attack.

"It was a quintessential Presidency decision," said National Security Adviser Thomas e. Donilon attack.

It was also one of Mr Obama's most challenging moments, overshadowed only by the death of her daughter Sasha close-meningitis than kivikovat.

"It was the longest 40 minutes of my life, except when my daughter fell ill at the age of 3 months, and we were wanting to know if it's going to be safe or not," he said.

This documentary reveals how a Messenger of al – Qaida known as "The Kuwaiti" intelligence sources we led by bin Laden, the follow-up calls but mobile.

Home control CIA shows a man known as "horse". Regular walks in the garden and u.s. experts have attempted to measure sunshade. If it's bin Laden 6 ft 4

Also details the elite 6/seal/Marine Group intensive training program, including building a replica of bin Laden's compound in the desert of Nevada until he married soldiers each step and the entrance in the House.

But when finally it was confirmed that bin Laden was killed by shots in the head and chest, there was little celebration inside the White House, the documentary showed.

"It was a great risk. I think that at the time I said something very short: "we have him," said Mr. Obama.

"But there was no no no whooping, hollering high fiving, inside the situation room."

"All our highlighted these guys are safe."
Records indicate that found inside the House bin Laden/terror attack was planned in the United States on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11, with Obama in mind.

Hours after the attack, Mr. Obama has confirmed DNA that recycle bin Laden declaring to the world of the dead terrorist mastermind.

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